ScoreFlipper Provides the “In-Store”
Experience at Home...only Better

ScoreFlipper allows your sheet music customers to thumb through an online musical score as if they were holding it in their hands, with the added ability to hear the music synchronized with the pages viewed. As playback progresses, the pages automatically and realistically turn. Scores run within any web browser on Windows, Macintosh, iOS, Android or Linux and without any browser plug-ins!

ScoreFlipper sites have more engaged customers which turns into more sales. In a recent survey, over 78% of customers confirmed that ScoreFlipper compelled them to buy more or MANY MORE pieces.

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ScoreFlipper is the ultimate “try before you buy” tool for sheet music shoppers.

Buy Music With Confidence

Many sites require you to take a “leap of faith” and buy their pieces with maybe a page or two score sample or perhaps a disconnected sound file or snippet. Worse, some merely show the title and price, nothing more! Sites with ScoreFlipper allow you to see and hear the music simultaneously before you buy, eliminating the risk and regret of getting music that doesn't meet tastes, needs or skill levels.

One Click Playback, No Plugins

Scores come alive within your browser at the touch of a button. No complicated plug-ins to download/install, no waiting, no hassle.

Best in Class Experience

The in-store experience at home, only better. Pages automatically and realistically advance with the audio. Fast forward or rewind anytime using the page buttons or audio slider.

Free, Plays On Any Device

ScoreFlipper works on your mobile phone, tablet and computer. All modern browsers supported. Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android compatible.


ScoreFlipper attracts customers and engages them like never before, allowing you to sell more sheet music.

Make More Money

Customers gain confidence in your products and buy more when they can see and hear the music ahead of time. Click here to see how much more.

Works With All Notation Programs

PDFs can come from any notation program such as Finale, Sibelius, Lilypond or even scanned manuscript. Scores are presented exactly as you intended. Any page size, portrait or landscape orientation.

Robust, Modern Technology

ScoreFlipper is real-world proven with over 813,000 customer plays as of February 2025. ScoreFlipper is on Release 7.x and uses modern web standards like HTML5 for future proofing. ScoreFlipper is compatible and proven with Linux and Windows based servers.

Live Musician Audio

Live or computer generated recordings from your favorite notation program/DAW may be used as the sound sources for ScoreFlipper.


Watermarks are integrated into the images customers see, protecting your intellectual property. PDFs and source music notation files are never exposed to customers.

Your Site, Your Branding

Customers always stay on your site and your logo serves as the watermark on each page. Optional customization can change the colors, fonts and buttons to further enhance the look and feel. ScoreFlipper can be seamlessly woven into your shopping cart.

Advanced Reporting

Know where your prospects and customers are located around the world, what scores they sampled and how long they stayed on your site.

Cloud-Based Publishing Platform

Convenient, easy to use cloud-based publishing supports scores of any page size, duration and repeat structure. Your preferences are saved and maintained session to session.


Below are live examples of ScoreFlipper scores from actual customer sites. On a mobile device you need to press the play button after the music appears, as mobile devices don't autoplay any media, including ScoreFlipper.

"Little Russian Circus" (Portrait)
"Don’t Shoot The Banjo Player" (Landscape)
"Alla Hornpipe" (Portrait)


Screen shots of ScoreFlipper, ScoreFlipper Cloud Publisher and selected customer sites.

Wycliffe Gordon

World renowned trombonist

ScoreFlipper Cloud Home

Landing page to create and edit scores

Gut Bucket

Bob McNally Jr.

Publisher and Sheet Music Retailer

Art of Sound Music

Publisher and Sheet Music Retailer

ScoreFlipper Cloud Log

Deatailed view of scores plays

ScoreFlipper Cloud Grid

Sets page turn sequence and timings

Frequently Asked Questions

You asked. We answered.


ScoreFlipper is our revolutionary web technology that allows customers visiting your website to thumb through an online musical score as if they were holding it in their hands, with the added ability to hear the music synchronized with the pages viewed.
ScoreFlipper combines the output of any music notation program (Sibelius, Finale, Lilypond, Score, MuseScore, etc.) with “real musician” or computer-generated MP3s to create a rich, fully immersive music auditioning experience that works in any computer browser.
Sheet music retailers sell more copies of scores when displayed using ScoreFlipper. ScoreFlipper allows customers to see and hear exactly what they are getting before they buy. The days of posting a PDF page or two and a totally disconnected MP3 file are finally over!
To signup for a ScoreFlipper, click here. ScoreFlipper is a licensed to you on a yearly basis, the software is not sold.
No, you must provide your own MP3 files that ScoreFlipper will play back.
As far as creating/posting the ScoreFlipper files, our solution provides an online tool that allows you to do that when/how you need it yourself and set the various options particular to your site. The tool also allow you to edit your ScoreFlipper files, add or change MP3 files, view your customer usage, etc. If you would still like us to create your scores as ScoreFlipper files for you, please contact us for pricing for the posting service.
  • Web server with Domain Name matching that keyed into your ScoreFlipper Software Build.
  • Shopping cart software and/or product web pages for which you or your webmaster can programmatically add a hyperlink to a ScoreFlipper page for each score
  • Ability to read music (to set the page turn times for each score)
  • Username, password and URL to our Customer Center (provided by AOSM)
  • 2-3 hours to read the documentation and do the initial, one time setup
  • SSL certificate for your website (optional, recommended)
ScoreFlipper was developed SPECIFICALLY to allow sheet music customers to SIMULTANEOUSLY see and hear music before making a purchase, reducing the risk of getting something that doesn't meet tastes, needs or skill levels. After looking at the various means out there to show music to customers, we thought there had to be a better way. In our view, the online marketplaces and sites from the notation companies and music publishers have a number of drawbacks such as:
For customers:
  • Hard to install plug-ins that frustrate customers and don't work on certain platforms
  • Cheesy MIDI playback or no playback at all
  • Some sites only show you a small portion of the score
  • Some sites only work with Microsoft Windows
  • May not work with all common browsers
  • Does not work with smartphones and/or tablets

For sheet music retailers:
  • Only functions with specific format files or notation programs
  • High fee structures
  • Inability to sell scores at all
  • Technically or logistically difficult to upload scores or get works listed
  • Unstable technology that constantly breaks down
  • Customers are sent away from your site to another that displays the scores and takes the payments. This confuses the customer and requires them to have another password and login.
  • Requires a server and complicated server software to display music.
  • Available cloud solutions are designed for displaying magazine and newspapers, not for sheet music (no sound, etc)

We’ve created an alternative that takes the best qualities of these sites while avoiding the pitfalls:
  • Customers never leave your site.
  • We can work with the output of any music notation program (Sibelius, Finale, Lilypond, Score, etc.) or any graphics format (jpg, png, gif, TIFF, PDF or even manuscript!)
  • We have integrated playback of high quality computer or “real musician” generated MP3 file and page more cheesy MIDI playback.
  • By showing 2 full pages side by side and giving you the ability to manually or automatically turn pages, ScoreFlipper makes you feel like you're really holding a real score in your hands. No horizontal or vertical scrolling is required for most users.
  • ScoreFlipper is compatible with every major web browser and works on Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
  • Scores and sound are synchronized together for the customer!
The benefits of ScoreFlipper over YouTube are:
  • Integrated page turn buttons
  • Integrated purchase buttons (hard and/or soft copy) that lead back to you shopping cart
  • Your logo as a watermark
  • Pages number shown in window
  • Easy to integrate live musician audio
  • Purpose built for music display means you get the job done faster
  • Simple to edit if you want to add, remove or change audio or page turn times later
  • Built in support for page turns
  • Shows two pages side by side, like an actual score
  • Legible up to Tabloid/A3 size
  • Simple options to change page size, watermark size, page start left or right
  • Custom reporting to see which customer viewed what, from what city
  • Customer can grab the corners of the pages and turn them by mouse or finger, just like a real score
  • Fun factor & Cool Factor...a customer "WOW"
On a score by score basis you can change the watermark image, size and transparency. The watermark may be added as a single image (default), tiled across the page or no watermark (useful for any free scores whereas you don't mind having the entire score visible).
  • ScoreFlipper Player — what customers experience when they come to your site.
  • Links on the ScoreFlipper Player pages that lead back to your shopping cart product pages, so customers can buy.
  • ScoreFlipper Cloud Publisher — what you use to prepare scores for playback on your site.
  • Links you enable on your shopping cart product pages that lead to the ScoreFlipper Player pages, so customers can hear and see the scores before buying.
  • Optional branding to match your site's look and feel.
Yes! Customers who sell their sheet music on a cloud shopping site typically run ScoreFlipper from another related domain they own and control. For example, here is a vocal product page for Kerry Marsh's site on Shopify

Clicking on the ScoreFlipper icon on that product page takes you here...

The buy button on the ScoreFlipper page brings the customer back to Shopify to buy after hearing/seeing the music. Since Kerry opted for our custom branding option, the end to end experience looks great and works seamlessly.

ScoreFlipper Fun Facts

Did you know?


Pricing for your site

Plans are based on the count of scores “played” at least once during the year,
not how many times a particular score was played.

  • $125 per year
  • Up to 25 Scores
  • UNLIMITED Score Plays
  • DEFAULT Branding
  • $500 per year
  • 101 to 250 Scores
  • UNLIMITED Score Plays
  • ADVANCED Branding
  • FREE QuickStart Service
  • $750 per year
  • UNLIMITED Scores
  • UNLIMITED Score Plays
  • ADVANCED Branding
  • FREE QuickStart Service

QuickStart Service Details

ScoreFlipper must be loaded and tested on your server prior to use. With the QuickStart Setup Service, we help get you up and running. We do it faster than you can and for less than what your webmaster would charge.

  • Create directories, install/test ScoreFlipper core files on your server
  • Install and run our generic test score
  • Populate global settings and test including FTP to site
  • Configure .htaccess for ScoreFlipper directory security (Linux)
  • Load your first ScoreFlipper score, using the logo, PDF and MP3 you supply
  • Optimize logo size, logo transparency and page size based on your feedback & save those settings as default
  • Provide hands on live training on how to edit a ScoreFlipper and publish new scores
  • Demonstrate useful features of the site - Videos, Reports, FAQs, etc.
  • Temporary FTP user name and FTP password with root access for your site
  • FTP username and password to store in Global Settings
  • Logo in jpg format for the watermark
  • 1 unlocked PDF, 1 MP3 and the product page URL for the score of your choice to be ScoreFlipper enabled
  • Interface with your hosting company if we find server related problems
  • "Mod" your shopping cart to dynamically provide a link to each ScoreFlipper piece you add

About Pricing

Plans are based on the count of unique scores played in ScoreFlipper per year, estimated in advance. For example, if you enabled 23 ScoreFlipper scores in the first year, the “Starter” pricing package applies, even if each score is played a million times! If actual score count is different from the estimate, a price adjustment is applied at year end.

Branding Options

Uses ScoreFlipper default button graphics — Buy Buttons, Page Navigation Buttons, MP3 Control Buttons.

Uses ScoreFlipper default colors — black page background and white MP3 display text.

Uses ScoreFlipper default button graphics — Buy Buttons, Page Navigation Buttons, MP3 Control Buttons.

We create a custom build using your choice of colors for page background and MP3 display text.

Add $49 (One time cost)

Uses customer supplied art for one or more of the button graphics — Buy Buttons, Page Navigation Buttons, MP3 Control Buttons.

We create a custom build using your choice of colors for page background and MP3 display text.

Add $99 (One time cost)


Customers and end-users comment on the value of ScoreFlipper.

Wycliffe Gordon

ScoreFlipper customer, world-renowned trombonist/composer

ScoreFlipper is wonderful software that enables you to hear the music while flipping through the score prior to purchasing!!! (Yay!) Whether it is played digitally or from an actual recording, this allows the composer to present his or her music in the format so desired. ScoreFlipper is convenient and very easy to use, truly a "dream piece" for the music buyer as well as the composers/arrangers wishing to sell their music.

Jerrold Zar

Professor, Northern Illinois University

I should also mention how valuable it is for your website to offer the capability of viewing the sheet music and hearing the music played. Though I just purchased 13 pieces, the number would have been less if I did not have the benefit of previewing the music with ScoreFlipper

Bob McNally Jr.

ScoreFlipper customer,

As a music publisher who has deployed ScoreFlipper on my site, I can attest to the benefits it offers. For visitors to my site, it takes all the guesswork out of purchasing music by allowing them to view the score and listen to the music before they decide to buy. You can't ask for more than that when you're looking for new sheet music!

John, Peachtree Corners, GA

Customer of

I wanted to say thank you for your format on your website. I listened to quite a few trombone ensemble arrangements that you have and ordered some yesterday. It really does help to be able to watch the score and listen to the arrangement. I'm so impressed with how you've brought technology together with music…improving the way we shop for music.